

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ClusterToSector
  2. SectorToCluster
  3. ReadSector
  4. WriteSector
  5. FlushSectorBuffers
  6. InitializeHD
  7. GetFATEntry
  8. PutFATEntry
  9. GetVDirEntries
  10. CreateVDirectory
  11. GetFilename
  12. NameToDirName
  13. DirNameToName
  14. FindDirectory
  15. FindFile
  16. FindFileDirectorySector
  17. FindFreeCluster
  18. FindEmptyDirectorySlot
  19. CreateFile
  20. OpenFile
  21. CloseFile
  22. FindFirstDirectorySector
  23. FindNextDirectorySector
  24. ReadFile
  25. WriteFile
  26. DeleteFile
  27. CreateDir
  28. Seek
  29. fsTaskCode

#include "memory.h"
#include "kstructs.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "fat.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "btree.h"

struct DirEntry *FindFile(unsigned char *name);
struct DirEntry *FindFileDirectorySector(unsigned char *filename,
        struct vDirNode *directory, int *sector, int *entryOffset);
void CreateVDirectory(void);
unsigned char *DirNameToName(unsigned char dirname[11]);
struct vDirNode *vDirectory;
struct BTreeNode *sectorBuffers;
int buffersRead;
unsigned short *currentFATBuffer;
int currentFATSector;
unsigned char *DiskBuffer;
unsigned short *FAT;

// Convert a cluster to a sector
unsigned int ClusterToSector(int cluster)
    return ((cluster - 2) * SectorsPerCluster + DataStart);

// Convert a sector to a cluster
unsigned int SectorToCluster(int sector)
    return (sector - DataStart) / SectorsPerCluster + 2;

// Read a disk sector. If the sector is already in the buffer a
// pointer to it is returned. Otherwise a new buffer entry is
// created and a pointer to that buffer returned.
unsigned char *ReadSector(unsigned int sector)
    if (!sectorBuffers)
        void *sectorBuffer = AllocUMem(512);
        ReadPSector(sectorBuffer, sector);
        sectorBuffers = CreateBTreeNode(sector, sectorBuffer);
        return sectorBuffer;
        if (buffersRead >= 10)
            buffersRead = 0;
            sectorBuffers = BalanceBTree(sectorBuffers);
        struct BTreeNode *node = FindBTreeNode(sectorBuffers, sector);
        if (!node)
            void *sectorBuffer = AllocUMem(512);
            ReadPSector(sectorBuffer, sector);
            AddBTreeNode(sectorBuffers, sector, sectorBuffer);
            return sectorBuffer;
            return node->data;

// Write a sector, which just marks it as dirty
void WriteSector(unsigned int sector)
    struct BTreeNode *node = FindBTreeNode(sectorBuffers, sector);
    node->isDirty = 1;

// Flush any dirty sectors to disk
void FlushSectorBuffers(struct BTreeNode *node)
    if (node->isDirty)
        WritePSector(node->data, node->key);
        node->isDirty = 0;
    if (node->greater)
    if (node->lesser)

// Read in some parameters from the HD
void InitializeHD(void)
    struct MBR *mbr;
    struct BootSector *bs;
    unsigned int bootSector = 0;

    DiskBuffer = ReadSector(0);
    mbr = (struct MBR *) DiskBuffer;
    bootSector = (mbr->PT[0]).LBA;
    DiskBuffer = ReadSector(bootSector);
    bs = (struct BootSector *) DiskBuffer;
    RootDir = (bs->sectorsPerFat) * 2 + bs->reservedSectors + bootSector;
    RootDirectoryEntries = bs->rootEntries;
    DataStart = (RootDirectoryEntries) / 16 + RootDir;
    SectorsPerCluster = bs->sectorsPerCluster;
    BytesPerSector = bs->bytesPerSector;
    FirstFAT = bootSector + bs->reservedSectors;
    FATLength = (RootDir - FirstFAT) / 2;

    currentFATSector = FirstFAT;
    currentFATBuffer = (unsigned short *) ReadSector(currentFATSector);


// Get the FAT entry for cluster
unsigned short GetFATEntry(unsigned short cluster)
    int sector = FirstFAT + (2 * cluster / BytesPerSector);
    if (sector != currentFATSector)
        currentFATBuffer = (unsigned short *) ReadSector(sector);
        currentFATSector = sector;
    return currentFATBuffer[cluster % (BytesPerSector / 2)];

// Set the FAT entry for cluster to value
void PutFATEntry(unsigned short cluster, unsigned short value)
    int sector = FirstFAT + (2 * cluster / BytesPerSector);
    if (sector != currentFATSector)
        currentFATBuffer = (unsigned short *) ReadSector(sector);
        currentFATSector = sector;
    currentFATBuffer[cluster % (BytesPerSector / 2)] = value;

// Create the subtree of vDirNodes for the current node  *** Some work needed here to read all sectors ***
void GetVDirEntries(struct vDirNode *currentDir)
    int i;

    struct DirEntry *dirBuffer = (struct DirEntry *) ReadSector(
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        if (dirBuffer[i].attribute & 0x10)
            // It's a directory!!!
            struct vDirNode *temp = AllocUMem(sizeof(struct vDirNode));
            temp->name = DirNameToName(dirBuffer[i].name);
            temp->startSector = ClusterToSector(dirBuffer[i].startingCluster);
            temp->parent = currentDir;
            temp->nextSibling = 0;
            temp->firstChild = 0;
            // If the currentDirectory has no children, make this firstChild
            if (!currentDir->firstChild)
                currentDir->firstChild = temp;
                // Make it a sibling of a child
                struct vDirNode *temp2 = currentDir->firstChild;
                while (temp2->nextSibling)
                    temp2 = temp2->nextSibling;
                temp2->nextSibling = temp;
            // If it's not . or .. recurse
            if (strcmp(temp->name, ".") && strcmp(temp->name, ".."))

// Scan the hard disk and create the vDirectory tree
void CreateVDirectory(void)
    struct vDirNode *currentDir;

    // Create the entry for the root directory
    vDirectory = AllocUMem(sizeof(struct vDirNode));
    vDirectory->name = AllocUMem(2);
    strcpy(vDirectory->name, "/");
    vDirectory->startSector = RootDir;
    vDirectory->parent = 0;
    vDirectory->nextSibling = 0;
    vDirectory->firstChild = 0;
    currentDir = vDirectory;

    // Now fill in details for all directories in the root directory
    // This will recursively scan the whole directory tree

// Given a full path return a pointer to the name part
// Note that this function does not allocate any memory
unsigned char *GetFilename(unsigned char *fullpath)
    int i = strlen(fullpath);
    while (fullpath[i] != '/')
    return (unsigned char *) fullpath + i + 1;

// Convert filename as a string to the Directory Entry form
//      Returns 0 on success
//              1 on failure
int NameToDirName(char *name, char *dirname)
    short int i = 0;
    short int j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
        dirname[i] = ' ';
    if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && (name[3] == 0 || name[3] == ' '))
        dirname[0] = dirname[1] = '.';
        return 0;
    i = 0;
    while (name[i] != '.' && i < 8 && name[i] != 0)
        dirname[j++] = name[i++];
    if (name[i] == 0)
        return (0);
    if ((i == 8) && (name[i] != '.'))
        return (1);
    j = 8;
    while (name[i] != 0 && j < 11)
        dirname[j++] = name[i++];
    return (0);

// Convert filename as Directory Entry form to a string
//      Returns a pointer to the string
unsigned char *DirNameToName(unsigned char dirname[11])
    char name[12];
    short int i = 0;
    short int j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
        if (dirname[i] && dirname[i] != ' ')
            if (i == 8)
                name[j++] = '.';
            name[j++] = dirname[i];
    name[j] = 0;
    unsigned char *retval = AllocUMem(strlen(name) + 1);
    strcpy(retval, name);
    return retval;

// Find virtual directory node of a file. If not found return 0.
struct vDirNode *FindDirectory(unsigned char *fullpath)
    if (fullpath[0] == '/')

    struct vDirNode *temp = vDirectory;
    unsigned char *restOfString;
    while (1)
        restOfString = strchr(fullpath, '/');
        if (!restOfString) // Found it
            return temp;
        restOfString[0] = 0;
        temp = temp->firstChild;
        while (strcmp(temp->name, fullpath))
            temp = temp->nextSibling;
            if (!temp)
                return 0;
        fullpath = restOfString;
    return 0;

// Find the directory entry for the file whose name is pointed to by "name".
// Return the address of the directory entry, or 0 on failure. 
struct DirEntry *FindFile(unsigned char *name)
    struct DirEntry *buffer;
    struct DirEntry *entry;
    int entryOffset = 0;
    int sector = 0;

    unsigned char *tempName = AllocUMem(strlen(name) + 1);
    strcpy(tempName, name);
    unsigned char *filename = GetFilename(name);
    struct vDirNode *directory = FindDirectory(tempName);

    buffer = FindFileDirectorySector(filename, directory, &sector,
    if (!buffer)
        return 0;
    return buffer + entryOffset;

// Find the directory details of the file name.
// Returns the the buffer of the sector containing the directory entry, or 0 if not found.
// Sets sector to the sector number of the entry, entryOffset to the offset to the entry.
struct DirEntry *FindFileDirectorySector(unsigned char *filename,
        struct vDirNode *directory, int *sector, int *entryOffset)
    *sector = 0;
    unsigned char *dirName = 0;
    struct DirEntry *buffer = 0;
    struct DirSects dirSector;

    *sector = FindFirstDirectorySector(directory, &dirSector);
    if (*sector)
        buffer = (struct DirEntry *) ReadSector(*sector);
        struct DirEntry *temp = buffer;

        while (*sector)
            int entriesInSect = BytesPerSector / sizeof(struct DirEntry);
            int entryno = 0;
            while (entryno < entriesInSect)
                // Have we reached the end of the directory entries?
                if (temp->name[0] == 0)
                    return 0;

                // Is this an erased entry - in which case we're not interested in it
                if (temp->name[0] == 0xE5)

                // So, is it the entry for this filename?
                dirName = DirNameToName(temp->name);
                if (!strcmp(dirName, filename))
                    // Found it!
                    *entryOffset = entryno;
                    return buffer;

                // No. Look at next entry

            // Does this directory have another sector? If so fetch it and keep looking.
            *sector = FindNextDirectorySector(&dirSector);
            entryno = 0;
        if (!*sector)
            buffer = 0;
    return (buffer);

// Finds next free cluster on disk
int FindFreeCluster(void)
    int count = 0;

    while (GetFATEntry(++count) != 0)
    return (count);

// Find an empty directory slot.
// Returns a pointer to the zero-filled entry, or 0 on failure
// Buffer will contain the sector of the directory containing the entry
struct DirEntry *FindEmptyDirectorySlot(struct DirEntry *directory,
        struct vDirNode *dir)
    if (dir)
        struct DirSects dirSect;
        int sector = FindFirstDirectorySector(dir, &dirSect);
        directory = (struct DirEntry *) ReadSector(sector);
        struct DirEntry *entry = directory;
        int count;

        // Find a free entry
        while (!(entry->name[0] == 0xE5 || entry->name[0] == 0))
            if ((unsigned char *) entry == (unsigned char *) directory + 512)
                sector = FindNextDirectorySector(&dirSect); // Need some code here to deal with the fact that there are no free entries
                directory = (struct DirEntry *) ReadSector(sector);

        // Zero directory entry
        for (count = 0; count < sizeof(struct DirEntry); count++)
            ((unsigned char *) entry)[count] = (unsigned char) 0;
        return entry;
    return 0;

// Create a new file.
// Returns 1 on success
//       0 if file cannot be created
struct FCB *CreateFile(unsigned char *name, unsigned short pid)
    // If the file already exist, exit
    if (FindFile(name))
        return (0);

    struct vDirNode *dir = FindDirectory(name);
    struct DirEntry *directory;
    unsigned char *filename = GetFilename(name);
    struct DirEntry *entry = FindEmptyDirectorySlot(directory, dir);

    if (entry)
        // Fill in a few details
        if (NameToDirName(filename, entry->name))
            return (0);

        entry->startingCluster = FindFreeCluster();
        entry->attribute = 0x20;

        // Mark the cluster as in use
        PutFATEntry(entry->startingCluster, 0xFFFF);

        // Flush the written buffers to disk
        struct FCB *fHandle = (struct FCB *) AllocKMem(sizeof(struct FCB));
        fHandle->dirEntry = entry;
        fHandle->dir = dir;
        fHandle->currentCluster = entry->startingCluster;
        fHandle->startSector = ClusterToSector(entry->startingCluster);
        fHandle->startCluster = entry->startingCluster;
        fHandle->fileCursor = fHandle->bufCursor = fHandle->bufIsDirty = 0;
        fHandle->length = 0;
        fHandle->filebuf = ReadSector(fHandle->startSector);
        fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;
        return (fHandle);
        return (0);

// Open a file.
// Returns fHandle on success.
//       0 if file does not exist
struct FCB *OpenFile(unsigned char *name, unsigned short pid)
    struct FCB *fHandle = AllocKMem(sizeof(struct FCB));

    // Root directory isn't a normal file
    if (!strcmp(name, "/"))
        fHandle->deviceType = DIR;
        fHandle->dirEntry = 0;
        fHandle->dir = 0;
        fHandle->currentCluster = 0;
        fHandle->startSector = RootDir;
        fHandle->startCluster = 0;
        fHandle->fileCursor = fHandle->bufCursor = fHandle->bufIsDirty = 0;
        fHandle->length = 512;
        fHandle->filebuf = ReadSector(fHandle->startSector);
        fHandle->nextSector = fHandle->startSector + 1;
        fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;
        return (fHandle);
        struct DirEntry *entry = (struct DirEntry *) FindFile(name);

        if (entry != 0)
            fHandle->dirEntry = entry;
            fHandle->dir = FindDirectory(name);
            fHandle->currentCluster = entry->startingCluster;
            fHandle->startSector = ClusterToSector(entry->startingCluster);
            fHandle->startCluster = entry->startingCluster;
            fHandle->fileCursor = fHandle->bufCursor = fHandle->bufIsDirty = 0;
            if (entry->attribute & 0x10)
                fHandle->deviceType = DIR;
                fHandle->length = 512;
                fHandle->length = entry->fileSize;
                fHandle->deviceType = FILE;
            fHandle->filebuf = ReadSector(fHandle->startSector);
            fHandle->nextSector = fHandle->startSector + 1;
            fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;
            return (fHandle);
            return (0);

// Close a file and release all its resources
void CloseFile(struct FCB *fHandle)
    int offset;
    unsigned char *filename = DirNameToName(fHandle->dirEntry->name);

    if (fHandle->bufIsDirty)
                        + fHandle->sectorInCluster - 1);
    if (fHandle->deviceType == FILE || fHandle->deviceType == DIR)
        if (!fHandle->dirEntry) // No dirEntry so it must be the root directory
            int sector = 0;
            struct DirEntry *buffer;
            buffer = FindFileDirectorySector(filename, fHandle->dir, &sector,
            struct DirEntry *temp = buffer + offset;
            // SaveDir(); We need to write values to the directory
            if (fHandle->deviceType == FILE)
                temp->fileSize = fHandle->length;

// Find the first sector of a directory
int FindFirstDirectorySector(struct vDirNode *directory,
        struct DirSects *dirSect)
    dirSect->sectorNo = 1;
    dirSect->sectorInCluster = 1;
    dirSect->cluster = SectorToCluster(directory->startSector);
    dirSect->directory = directory;
    dirSect->sector = directory->startSector;
    return dirSect->sector;

// Find the next sector of a directory (first do FindFirstSect()
int FindNextDirectorySector(struct DirSects *dirSect)
    if (dirSect->sectorInCluster < SectorsPerCluster)
        if (dirSect->directory->parent == 0) // The root directory
            if (dirSect->sector
                    > RootDirectoryEntries * sizeof(struct DirEntry)
                            / BytesPerSector)
                dirSect->sector = 0;
        else // it's a normal directory so get next cluster
            dirSect->cluster = GetFATEntry(dirSect->cluster);
            if (dirSect->cluster != 0xFFFF)
                dirSect->sector = ClusterToSector(dirSect->cluster);
                dirSect->sectorInCluster = 1;
                dirSect->sector = 0;
    return dirSect->sector;

// Read noBytes from the file represented by fHandle into buffer
// Returns no of bytes read
long ReadFile(struct FCB *fHandle, char *buffer, long noBytes)
    long bytesRead = 0;

    while (bytesRead < noBytes && fHandle->bufCursor < fHandle->length)
        while (fHandle->bufCursor < 512 && bytesRead < noBytes
                && fHandle->bufCursor < fHandle->length)
            buffer[bytesRead] = fHandle->filebuf[fHandle->bufCursor];
        if (fHandle->bufCursor == fHandle->length)

        // If we have read past the end of the buffer we need to load the
        // next sector into the buffer.
        if ((fHandle->bufCursor == 512) && (bytesRead < noBytes))
            if (fHandle->bufIsDirty)
                                + fHandle->sectorInCluster - 1);
            if (fHandle->sectorInCluster++ == SectorsPerCluster)
                fHandle->currentCluster = GetFATEntry(fHandle->currentCluster);
                fHandle->nextSector = ClusterToSector(fHandle->currentCluster);
                fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;
            fHandle->filebuf = ReadSector(fHandle->nextSector);
            fHandle->bufCursor = 0;
    return (bytesRead);

// Write noBytes from buffer into the file represented by fHandle
// Returns no of bytes written
long WriteFile(struct FCB *fHandle, char *buffer, long noBytes)
    long bytesWritten = 0;

    while (bytesWritten < noBytes)
        while (fHandle->bufCursor < 512 && bytesWritten < noBytes)
            fHandle->filebuf[fHandle->bufCursor] = buffer[bytesWritten];
            fHandle->bufIsDirty = 1;

        // If we have written past the end of the buffer we need to flush the sector to the disk
        if ((fHandle->bufCursor == 512) && (bytesWritten < noBytes))
                            + fHandle->sectorInCluster - 1);
            if (fHandle->sectorInCluster++ > SectorsPerCluster)
                // Allocate another cluster
                int freeCluster = FindFreeCluster();
                PutFATEntry(fHandle->currentCluster, freeCluster);
                PutFATEntry(freeCluster, 0xFFFF);
                fHandle->currentCluster = freeCluster;
                fHandle->nextSector = ClusterToSector(fHandle->currentCluster);
                fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;
            fHandle->bufCursor = 0;
    return (bytesWritten);

// Delete a file.
// Returns 0 on success
//       1 if file does not exist
int DeleteFile(unsigned char *name, unsigned short pid)
    struct DirEntry *entry = (struct DirEntry *) FindFile(name);

    if (entry != 0)
        // We now know the file exists
        // Erase the directory entry
        entry->name[0] = 0xE5;
        // Zero the FAT entries for the file
        unsigned short int cluster = entry->startingCluster;
        unsigned short int nextCluster;
        while (GetFATEntry(cluster) != 0xFFFF)
            nextCluster = GetFATEntry(cluster);
            PutFATEntry(cluster, 0);
            cluster = nextCluster;
        PutFATEntry(cluster, 0);

        // Write the changed FAT and directory sectors back to disk
        return (0);
        return (1);

long CreateDir(unsigned char *name, unsigned short pid)
    // If the directory already exist, exit
    if (FindFile(name))
        return (-1);

    struct vDirNode *dir = FindDirectory(name);
    struct DirEntry *directory;
    unsigned char *filename = GetFilename(name);
    struct DirEntry *entry = FindEmptyDirectorySlot(directory, dir);

    if (entry)
        struct DirSects dirSect;
        int sector = FindFirstDirectorySector(dir, &dirSect);

        // Fill in a few details
        if (NameToDirName(filename, entry->name))
            return (-1);

        entry->startingCluster = FindFreeCluster();
        entry->attribute = 0x10;

        long startingCluster = entry->startingCluster;
        // Mark the cluster as in use
        PutFATEntry(entry->startingCluster, 0xFFFF);


        // Create the . and .. entries and blank the new cluster
        unsigned char *udirectory = (unsigned char *) directory;
        sector = ClusterToSector(startingCluster);
        directory = (struct DirEntry *) ReadSector(sector);

        int count;
        for (count = 0; count < BytesPerSector; count++)
            udirectory[count] = 0;
        entry = directory;
        for (count = 0; count < 11; count++)
            entry->name[count] = ' ';
        entry->name[0] = '.';
        entry->attribute = 0x10;
        entry->startingCluster = SectorToCluster(dir->startSector);
        for (count = 0; count < 11; count++)
            entry->name[count] = ' ';
        entry->name[0] = entry->name[1] = '.';
        entry->attribute = 0x10;
        entry->startingCluster = startingCluster;
        for (count = 0; count < SectorsPerCluster - 1; count++)
            directory = (struct DirEntry *) ReadSector(sector);
            int count2;
            for (count2 = 0; count2 < BytesPerSector; count2++)
                udirectory[count2] = 0;

        // Make entry in vDirectory
        struct vDirNode *newNode = AllocUMem(sizeof(struct vDirNode));
        newNode->firstChild = 0;
        newNode->parent = dir;
        newNode->nextSibling = 0;
        newNode->name = AllocUMem(strlen(filename) + 1);
        if (!dir->firstChild)
            dir->firstChild = newNode;
            dir = dir->firstChild;
            while (dir->nextSibling)
                dir = dir->nextSibling;
            dir->nextSibling = newNode;
        return (0);
        return (-1);

int Seek(struct FCB *fHandle, int offset, int whence)
    switch (whence)
    case SEEK_SET:
        fHandle->fileCursor = offset;

    case SEEK_CUR:
        fHandle->fileCursor += offset;

    case SEEK_END:
        fHandle->fileCursor = fHandle->length + offset;

        return -1;

    if (fHandle->fileCursor < 0)
        fHandle->fileCursor = 0;
        offset = 0;

    if (fHandle->fileCursor > fHandle->length)
        fHandle->fileCursor = fHandle->length;
        offset = fHandle->length;

    fHandle->bufCursor = fHandle->fileCursor;
    fHandle->currentCluster = fHandle->startCluster;
    fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;

    while (fHandle->bufCursor > BytesPerSector)
        fHandle->bufCursor -= BytesPerSector;
        if (fHandle->bufIsDirty)
                            + fHandle->sectorInCluster - 1);
        if (fHandle->sectorInCluster++ == SectorsPerCluster)
            fHandle->currentCluster = GetFATEntry(fHandle->currentCluster);
            fHandle->nextSector = ClusterToSector(fHandle->currentCluster);
            fHandle->sectorInCluster = 1;
        fHandle->filebuf = ReadSector(fHandle->nextSector);
    return offset;

// The actual filesystem task
void fsTaskCode(void)
    kprintf(3, 0, "Starting Filesystem Task");

    struct Message *FSMsg;
    struct MessagePort *tempPort;

    FSMsg = (struct Message *) ALLOCMSG;

    int result;
    struct FCB *fcb;

    ((struct MessagePort *) FSPort)->waitingProc = (struct Task *) -1L;
    ((struct MessagePort *) FSPort)->msgQueue = 0;

    sectorBuffers = 0;
    buffersRead = 0;

    while (1)
        ReceiveMessage((struct MessagePort *) FSPort, FSMsg);
        switch (FSMsg->byte)
        case CREATEFILE:
            struct FCB *fcb = CreateFile((char *) FSMsg->quad, FSMsg->pid);
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            if (!fcb)
                FSMsg->quad = 0;
                fcb->pid = FSMsg->pid;
                FSMsg->quad = (long) fcb;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case OPENFILE:
            fcb = OpenFile((unsigned char *) FSMsg->quad, FSMsg->pid);
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            if (!fcb)
                FSMsg->quad = 0;
                fcb->pid = FSMsg->pid;
                FSMsg->quad = (long) fcb;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case CLOSEFILE:
            CloseFile((struct FCB *) FSMsg->quad);
            DeallocMem((void *) FSMsg->quad);
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case READFILE:
            result = ReadFile((struct FCB *) FSMsg->quad, (char *) FSMsg->quad2,
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            FSMsg->quad = result;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case WRITEFILE:
            result = WriteFile((struct FCB *) FSMsg->quad,
                    (char *) FSMsg->quad2, FSMsg->quad3);
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            FSMsg->quad = result;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case DELETEFILE:
            result = DeleteFile((char *) FSMsg->quad, FSMsg->pid);
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case TESTFILE:
            if (!strcmp(FSMsg->quad, "/"))
                result = 1;
                result = (long) FindFile((char *) FSMsg->quad);
                if (result)
                    result = 1;

            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            FSMsg->quad = result;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case GETFILEINFO:
            struct FileInfo info;
            fcb = (struct FCB *) FSMsg->quad;
            info.Length = fcb->length;
            int count;
            for (count = 0; count < sizeof(struct FileInfo); count++)
                ((char *) FSMsg->quad2)[count] = ((char *) (&info))[count];
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case CREATEDIR:
            result = CreateDir((char *) FSMsg->quad, FSMsg->pid);
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            FSMsg->quad = result;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);

        case SEEK:
            result = Seek((struct FCB *) FSMsg->quad, FSMsg->quad2,
            tempPort = (struct MessagePort *) FSMsg->tempPort;
            FSMsg->quad = result;
            SendMessage(tempPort, FSMsg);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */