

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Debug
  2. GetPTIndex
  3. GetPDIndex
  4. GetPDPIndex
  5. GetPML4Index
  6. GetPT
  7. GetPD
  8. GetPDP
  9. VCreatePageDir
  10. AllocAndCreatePTE
  11. CreatePTEWithPT
  12. CreatePTE
  13. ClearUserMemory
  14. AllocPage

#include "kstructs.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "pagetab.h"

#define VIRT(type, name) ((struct type *) ((long) name + VAddr))

extern long nPagesFree;
extern unsigned short int *PMap;
long kernelPT;
long virtualPDP;
extern struct Task *currentTask;

void Debug()

GetPTIndex(long lAddress)
    return lAddress >> 12 & 0x1FF;

GetPDIndex(long lAddress)
    return lAddress >> 21 & 0x1FF;

GetPDPIndex(long lAddress)
    return lAddress >> 30 & 0x1FF;

GetPML4Index(long lAddress)
    return lAddress >> 39 & 0x1FF;

// Return the physical address of the PT corresponding to address lAddress
struct PT *GetPT(struct PML4 *pml4, long lAddress, unsigned short pid)
    int pdIndex = GetPDIndex(lAddress);
    int pdpIndex = GetPDPIndex(lAddress);
    int pml4Index = GetPML4Index(lAddress);

    long pdp = VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[pml4Index].value & 0xFFFFF000;
    if (!pdp)
        long newpage = (long) AllocPage(pid);
        VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[pml4Index].value = newpage | P | RW | US;
        pdp = newpage;
    long pd = VIRT(PDP,pdp)->entries[pdpIndex].value & 0xFFFFF000;
    if (!pd)
        long newpage = (long) AllocPage(pid);
        VIRT(PDP,pdp)->entries[pdpIndex].value = newpage | P | RW | US;
        pd = newpage;
    long pt = VIRT(PD,pd)->entries[pdIndex].value & 0xFFFFF000;
    if (!pt)
        long newpage = (long) AllocPage(pid);
        VIRT(PD,pd)->entries[pdIndex].value = newpage | P | RW | US;
        pt = newpage;
    return (struct PT *) (pt & 0xFFFFF000);

// Return the physical address of the PD corresponding to address lAddress
struct PD *GetPD(struct PML4 *pml4, long lAddress, unsigned short pid)
    int pdpIndex = lAddress >> 30 & 0x1FF;
    int pml4Index = lAddress >> 39 & 0x1FF;

    long pdp = VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[pml4Index].value & 0xFFFFF000;
    if (!pdp)
        long newpage = (long) AllocPage(pid);
        VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[pml4Index].value = newpage | P | RW | US;
        pdp = newpage;
    long pd = VIRT(PDP,pdp)->entries[pdpIndex].value & 0xFFFFF000;
    if (!pd)
        long newpage = (long) AllocPage(pid);
        VIRT(PDP,pdp)->entries[pdpIndex].value = newpage | P | RW | US;
        pd = newpage;
    return (struct PD *) (pd & 0xFFFFF000);

// Return the physical address of the PDP corresponding to address lAddress
struct PDP *GetPDP(struct PML4 *pml4, long lAddress, unsigned short pid)
    int pml4Index = GetPML4Index(lAddress);

    long pdp = VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[pml4Index].value & 0xFFFFF000;
    if (!pdp)
        long newpage = (long) AllocPage(pid);
        VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[pml4Index].value = newpage | P | RW | US;
        pdp = newpage;
    return (struct PDP *) (pdp & 0xFFFFF000);

// Create a Page Table for a new process
// Return a pointer to the Page Directory of this table
void * VCreatePageDir(unsigned short pid, unsigned short parentPid)
    // Allocate the base page for the Page Table
    struct PML4 *pml4 = (struct PML4 *) AllocPage(pid);

    // A Page for user code memory entries
    VIRT(PD,GetPD(pml4, UserCode, pid))->entries[GetPDIndex(UserCode)].value =
            (long) AllocPage(pid) | P | RW | US;
    // A Page for user data memory entries
    VIRT(PD,GetPD(pml4, UserData, pid))->entries[GetPDIndex(UserData)].value =
            (long) AllocPage(pid) | P | RW | US;
    // A Page for user stack memory entries
    VIRT(PD,GetPD(pml4, UserStack, pid))->entries[GetPDIndex(UserStack)].value =
            (long) AllocPage(pid) | P | RW | US;
    // A Page for kernel memory entries
    VIRT(PD,GetPD(pml4, KernelStack, pid))->entries[GetPDIndex(KernelStack)].value =
            (long) AllocPage(pid) | P | RW;
    VIRT(PML4,pml4)->entries[GetPML4Index(VAddr)].value = virtualPDP | P | RW; // Physical to virtual addresses
    struct PD *pd = GetPD(pml4, 0, pid);
    VIRT(PD,pd)->entries[GetPDIndex(0)].value = kernelPT | P | RW; // Kernel entries

    if (parentPid == 0) // Just create some default PTEs
                        // We need these two entries so that NewKernelTask can
                        // access the data and stack pages of the new process.
        long c;
        struct PT *pt = GetPT(pml4, UserData, pid);
        VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[GetPTIndex(UserData)].value = AllocAndCreatePTE(
                TempUserData, pid, RW | P);
        c = TempUserData;
        asm ("invlpg %0;"
                :"m"(*(char *)TempUserData)

        pt = GetPT(pml4, UserStack, pid);
        VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[GetPTIndex(UserStack)].value =
                AllocAndCreatePTE(TempUStack, pid, RW | P);
        c = TempUStack;
        asm ("invlpg %0;"
                :"m"(*(char *)TempUStack)
    else // Create PTEs and copy pages based on parent PT
        // Get physical address of current PT
        struct PML4 *current_pml4 = (struct PML4 *) (currentTask->cr3
                & 0xFFFF000);

        // Copy memory pages of existing UserCode and UserData

        // Process UserCode
        // Get the physical address of the pointer to UserCode in the current table
        struct PT *pt = GetPT(pml4, UserCode, pid);
        struct PT *currentPT = GetPT(current_pml4, UserCode, parentPid);
        int i = GetPTIndex(UserCode);
        long c = TempUserCode;
        while (VIRT(PT,currentPT)->entries[i].value)
            // Create a page table entry in the new Page Table and also point TempUserCode to it.
            VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i].value = AllocAndCreatePTE(TempUserCode,
                    pid, US | RW | P);
            // Copy the physical memory
                    ((VIRT(PT, currentPT)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000)
                            + VAddr,
                    ((VIRT(PT, pt)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000) + VAddr,

        // Process UserData
        // Get the physical address of the pointer to UserCode in the current table
        pt = GetPT(pml4, UserData, pid);
        currentPT = GetPT(current_pml4, UserData, parentPid);
        i = GetPTIndex(UserData);
        while (VIRT(PT,currentPT)->entries[i].value)
            // Create a page table entry in the new Page Table and also point TempUserCode to it.
            VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i].value = AllocAndCreatePTE(TempUserCode,
                    pid, US | RW | P);
            // Copy the physical memory
                    ((VIRT(PT, currentPT)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000)
                            + VAddr,
                    ((VIRT(PT, pt)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000) + VAddr,

        // Process UserStack
        // Get the physical address of the pointer to UserStack in the current table
        pt = GetPT(pml4, UserStack, pid);
        currentPT = GetPT(current_pml4, UserStack, parentPid);
        i = GetPTIndex(UserStack);
        while (VIRT(PT,currentPT)->entries[i].value)
            // Create a page table entry in the new Page Table and also point TempUserCode to it.
            VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i].value = AllocAndCreatePTE(TempUserCode,
                    pid, US | RW | P);
            // Copy the physical memory
                    ((VIRT(PT, currentPT)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000)
                            + VAddr,
                    ((VIRT(PT, pt)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000) + VAddr,

        // Process KernelStack
        // Get the physical address of the pointer to KernelStack in the current table
        pt = GetPT(pml4, KernelStack, pid);
        currentPT = GetPT(current_pml4, KernelStack, parentPid);
        i = GetPTIndex(KernelStack);
        while (VIRT(PT,currentPT)->entries[i].value)
            // Create a page table entry in the new Page Table and also point TempUserCode to it.
            VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i].value = AllocAndCreatePTE(TempUserCode,
                    pid, US | RW | P);
            // Copy the physical memory
                    ((VIRT(PT, currentPT)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000)
                            + VAddr,
                    ((VIRT(PT, pt)->entries[i].value) & 0xFFFFF000) + VAddr,
    return (void *) pml4;

// Create a Page Table Entry in the current Page Table
// Allocate the physical page
long AllocAndCreatePTE(long lAddress, unsigned short pid, short flags)
    void *pAddress = AllocPage(pid);
    return CreatePTE(pAddress, lAddress, pid, flags);

// Create a Page Table Entry in the Page Table pointed to by pml4
long CreatePTEWithPT(struct PML4 *pml4, void *pAddress, long lAddress,
        unsigned short pid, short flags)
    int ptIndex = GetPTIndex(lAddress);
    struct PT *pt = GetPT(pml4, lAddress, pid);

    // We don't want this function to be interrupted.
    asm ("cli");
    VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[ptIndex].value = ((long) pAddress & 0xFFFFF000)
            | flags;
    asm ("sti");

    return ((long) pAddress | flags);

// Create a Page Table Entry in the current Page Table
long CreatePTE(void *pAddress, long lAddress, unsigned short pid, short flags)
    long retVal = 0;
    struct PML4 *pml4 = (struct PML4 *) (currentTask->cr3 & 0xFFFFF000);
    retVal = CreatePTEWithPT(pml4, pAddress, lAddress, pid, flags);
    asm ("invlpg %0;"
    return retVal;

void ClearUserMemory(void)
    // UserCode
    struct PT *pt = GetPT((struct PML4 *) (currentTask->cr3 & 0xFFFFF000),
            UserCode, currentTask->pid);
    int i = 0;
    while (VIRT(PT, pt)->entries[i].value)
        PMap[VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i].value >> 12] = 0;
        VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i++].value = 0;

    // User Data
    pt = GetPT((struct PML4 *) (currentTask->cr3 & 0xFFFFF000), UserData,
    i = 0;
    while (VIRT(PT, pt)->entries[i].value)
        PMap[VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i].value >> 12] = 0;
        VIRT(PT,pt)->entries[i++].value = 0;

    // Let's forget about the stacks

// Allocates one page of memory.
// Returns a pointer to the allocated page.
void * AllocPage(unsigned short int PID)
    long i = 0;

    while (PMap[i] != 0)
    PMap[i] = PID;
    i = i << 12;

    return ((void *) i);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */