

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
    .include "include/memory.inc"
    .include "include/syscalls.inc"
    .include "include/kstructs.inc"


    .global start64

# From here on we are using 64 bit code
    mov $data64, %ax
    mov %ax, %ds
    mov %ax, %ss
    mov $0xC0000081, %ecx
    mov $0x00230018, %edx
    mov $SysCalls, %eax
    mov $0xC0000082, %ecx
    mov $0, %edx
    mov $SysCalls, %eax
    mov $0xC0000083, %ecx
    mov $0, %edx
    mov $0, %eax
    mov $0xC0000084, %ecx
    mov $0, %edx
    mov $SysCalls, %eax
    call InitIDT
    mov $TSS64, %rdi
    mov $tssd64, %rsi
    call CreateTssDesc
    mov $tssd64, %ax
    ltr %ax
    lidt idt_64

# Final preparations before starting tasking
    call InitMem64
    mov $0xFFF, %rcx                   # Zero page of memory locations for task structures
    mov $0, %rax
    mov $0x200, %rcx
    mov $TaskStruct, %rdi
    rep stosq
    mov $TaskStruct, %r15              # Set up skeleton task structure for first task
    movq $0, TS.nexttask(%r15)
    movq %r15, TS.r15(%r15)
    movb $0, TS.waiting(%r15)          # We don't want task1 to be waiting when it starts
    movq $UserData, TS.firstfreemem(%r15)
    movq $2, TS.pid(%r15)
    movq $cd, TS.currentDirName(%r15)
    movq $0, TS.argv(%r15)
    mov  %cr3, %rax
    mov  %rax, TS.cr3(%r15)
    mov %r15, currentTask

    mov $2, %rdi
    call AllocPage                     # Page for kernel stack
    mov %rax, %rdi
    mov $KernelStack, %rsi
    mov $2, %rdx
    mov $3, %rcx
    call CreatePTE
    mov $KernelStack + 0x1000, %eax
    mov %eax, TSS64 + 36               # Kernel stack pointer in TSS
    mov $2, %rdi
    call AllocPage                     # Page for user stack
    mov %rax, %rdi
    mov $UserStack, %rsi
    mov $2, %rdx
    mov $7, %rcx
    call CreatePTE
    mov $UserStack + 0x1000, %rsp
    mov $2, %rdi
    call AllocPage                     # Page for task code
    mov %rax, %rdi
    mov $UserCode, %rsi
    mov $2, %rdx
    mov $7, %rcx
    call CreatePTE
    mov $2, %rdi
    call AllocPage                     # Page for task data
    mov %rax, %rdi
    mov $UserData, %rsi
    mov $2, %rdx
    mov $7, %rcx
    call CreatePTE

    mov $tas1, %rsi                    # Move the task code
    mov $UserCode, %rdi
    mov $0x1000, %rcx                  # How do we find the length of tas1? It's so small
    cld                                # that we just assume it's under 0x1000 bytes
    rep movsb

    call StartTasks

    mov $UserCode, %rcx                # Tas1
    pop %r11
    or $0x200, %r11                    # This will enable interrupts when we sysret

    sysretq                            # Start Task1 and multitasking

cd: .byte '/', 0

    .global tempstack

gdt_48: .word 0x800                  # Allow up to 512 entries in GDT
    .long GDT

idt_64: .word 0x800                  # Allow up to 512 entries in IDT
    .quad IDT

# A minimal stack whilst the system is being initialized
.rept 128
    .quad 0

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */