

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. CreatePageDir
  2. CreatePT164
  3. CreatePhysicalToVirtual

#include "memory.h"

void CreatePT164(struct PT *);
void CreatePhysicalToVirtual(struct PML4 *, int);

extern long long virtualPDP;
extern long long kernelPT;
extern long nPages;

// Create a Page Directory with the necessary entries in the first Page Table.
// return the Physical Address of this Page Directory.
// This only works in 32 bit mode before paging is enabled.
struct PML4 * CreatePageDir()
    struct PML4 * pml4 = (struct PML4 *) AllocPage32(2);
    struct PDP * pdp = (struct PDP *) AllocPage32(2);
    struct PD * pd = (struct PD *) AllocPage32(2);
    struct PT * pt1 = (struct PT *) AllocPage32(1);
    struct PT * pt2 = (struct PT *) AllocPage32(2);
    pml4->entries[0].Hi = 0;
    pdp->entries[0].Hi = 0;
    pd->entries[0].Hi = 0;
    pd->entries[1].Hi = 0;
    pml4->entries[0].Lo = (long) pdp | P | RW | US;
    pdp->entries[0].Lo = (long) pd | P | RW | US;
    pd->entries[0].Lo = (long) pt1 | P | RW;
    pd->entries[1].Lo = (long) pt2 | P | RW;
    CreatePhysicalToVirtual(pml4, nPages);
    kernelPT = (long long) ((long) pt1);
    return pml4;

// Create the OS Page Table referred to by the above Page Directory
// This does no remapping - each Logical Address is mapped to the same
// Physical Address. This covers Physical Addresses from 0 to 0x200000.
void CreatePT164(struct PT * pt)
    unsigned short int *PMap = (unsigned short int *) PageMap;
    int count;

    pt->entries[0].Hi = 0;
    pt->entries[0].Lo = P | RW;
    for (count = 1; count < 0x10; count++)
        pt->entries[count].Hi = 0;
        pt->entries[count].Lo = (count << 12) | P | RW | G;
    for (count = 0x10; count < 0x200; count++)
        if (PMap[count] == 1)
            pt->entries[count].Hi = 0;
            pt->entries[count].Lo = (count << 12) | P | RW | G;

// Create Page Table entries mapping all physical addresses
// to PAddr + 0x8000000000
void CreatePhysicalToVirtual(struct PML4 * pml4, int noOfPages)
    int PTsNeeded = (noOfPages / 512);
    int PDsNeeded = (PTsNeeded / 512) + 1;
    int PDPsNeeded = (PDsNeeded / 512) + 1;
    int count1, count2, count3;

    struct PDP * pdp = (struct PDP *) AllocPage32(1);
    struct PD * pd;
    struct PT * pt;

    virtualPDP = (long long) ((long) pdp);
    pml4->entries[1].Lo = (long) pdp | P | RW;

    for (count3 = 0; count3 < PDsNeeded; count3++)
        pd = (struct PD *) AllocPage32(1);
        pdp->entries[count3].Lo = (long) pd | P | RW;

        for (count2 = 0; count2 < PTsNeeded; count2++)
            pt = (struct PT *) AllocPage32(1);
            pd->entries[count2].Lo = (long) pt | P | RW;

            for (count1 = 0; count1 < 0x200; count1++)
                pt->entries[count1].Lo = (count3 << 30) + (count2 << 21)
                        + (count1 << 12) | P | RW | G;

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